The Problem

We believe that in order to effectively implement a sustainable solution we must first know why and what the problems are. The first step towards this goal is discussing the diagnostic methods.
When we have agreed upon a method of analysis we will start to assess and analyse the Sales Force to reach an accurate diagnoses. We do this by using our most accurate and innovative tools. We hold nothing back in this crucial first step. Our goal is to bring your company’s Sales Force to the next level.

We only work under two conditions: 

  • Complete Confidence. Like the doctor or physician, our work with your company is completely confidential. The willingness to accept the situation that comes to light is crucial towards moving forward in the realization of an effective, result driven Sales Force.
  •  The willingness to accept and adapt to change. Most of the managers have it and some just need to discover it. This is one of your greatest assets when mastered. It is our job to help your company adapt to market change with a competitive edge far above that of the competition.
— Marco Kloppers, Directeur Kavo Benelux

“Kavo Benelux is een sales- en serviceorganisatie van tandartsproducten. Wij hebben Peterson Company ingeschakeld om onze afdeling verder te professionaliseren en te commercialiseren. En dat is gelukt. Ik merk dat het aantal bezoeken bij klanten en prospects toeneemt. Ook merk ik dat de afdeling meer pit en swung heeft gekregen.”
“Die spirit in de afdeling komt voort uit het enthousiasme en de inzet van de trainers van Peterson Company. Ze zijn erg bekwaam en ervaren. Dat merk je, dat proef je. En ze gaan er voor de volle honderd procent voor. Als het moet zelfs voor 150 procent. Ze zijn erg flexibel en ze bieden maatwerk. Daarom gaan we binnenkort weer met Peterson Company in zee. We starten een training voor het management. Om ook de managers meer sturing en advies te geven.”



After the problem has been defined, a diagnosis can be made. The problem, or objective may be different, and also have multiple causes and therefore also different solutions. The analysis tools used in the diagnosis have been developed by the Objective Management Group. The Objective Management Group is the pioneer in developing innovative, validated and effective assessment tools. 
The whole range of assessments helps eliminate the guesswork and find answers to questions that relate to the business results. The OMG test provides answers to questions like:

  • To what extent is our sales team able to carry out our strategy?
  • To what extent is our market presence optimal?
  • Are the right people in the right place?
  • Is the sales staff able to grow? And who are able to become more successful?
  • Is the current sales process still effective enough?
  • How effective is the sales management in coaching, boosting development and attracting the right people?
— Anton Gorchakov, COO at Delta Pak, Moscow

“Robert Peterson and his company are true professionals in all senses. Robert was able to understand the Russian business culture and succeeded in assisting us in professionalizing our management approach and processes. He is characterized by a thorough knowledge of management and sales matters and is able to get management teams to turn around and make the necessary changes. We have benefitted a lot from his coaching and training and would recommend him to any management team.”



For all your problems we have a solution. After we have defined the problem and defined the source of it we will present a solution. The solution can present itself as a training, coaching, consulting, restructuring and / or executive search & selection.


The training objectives are defined in a program followed by all participants. The training takes place outside of work. The training involves: people skills, help with cold calling, qualifying prospects and necessary time management skills.


Coaching is about nurturing the sales person with insight. We identify improvement points based on actual work situations. Part of this is accompanying  an sales professional through his daily activities. Based on observations the consultant wil ask questions that will provide the professional with insight. We experience that one on one coaching accelerates growth in the sales professional's career.


When advising we offer a proposal which helps the company to grow. Taking your company through the looking glass enables us to reflect your business. Examples of recommendations are to implement the restructuring of the sales organization, sales strategy and so on.


When the sales team is not delivering results, it is time for a restructure. In manny occasions we see sales people are assigned with the responsibility to generate new business, who have a better Sales DNA for account management. In this case a simple restructure of the sales team can deliver the results you desire. Restructuring can also mean a change in the current strategy. We help companies in developing a Value Based Selling strategy to maximize revenue.

— Henk Lammertse, Algemeen directeur/Managing director Still Intern Transport BV, voormalig directeur Exide.

“Onze managers bij Exide hebben een teambuilding managementtraining gevolgd. Daarnaast verzorgde Peterson Company diverse sales-trainingen voor onze verkopers. In die trainingen reikte Peterson Company handige handvatten aan die je in de dagelijkse praktijk kunt gebruiken. De cases die de trainer schetste, kwamen akelig dicht bij de werkelijkheid. Je kunt goed merken dat Peterson Company rijke ervaring heeft in het bedrijfsleven.” 
“De trainingen hebben effect door de pragmatische aanpak. En door de duidelijke structuur. Door middel van de intake, de training zelf en het vervolgtraject bood Peterson Company ons een totaaloplossing op maat. Met name bij beginnende verkopers is de houding heel erg veranderd. Ze zijn veel zelfverzekerder geworden.”
“Verkopen en managen zijn beroepen die bepaalde vaardigheden vereisen die niet levenslang houdbaar zijn. Daarom is het belangrijk om je personeel met een zekere regelmaat bij te scholen. Om de vaardigheden aan te scherpen. Daarvoor ben je Peterson Company aan het goede adres.”

— Pierpaolo Furno, General Manager at Kuwait Petroleum International Lubricants (Q8Oils)

"We at Q8Oils have cooperated with Peterson company since 2010. We found a real added value in the enhancement of our sales forces through extremely effective recruiting tools and on the job trainings. However, where Peterson company really differentiate from the others is in the additional service behind these tools, by following up with the customer and providing free advise!"



After we have proposed a solution, it is time to carry out the solution. In addition, there are two possibilities, we will carry out all the work or we assist you in any part of the process.


An international market leader in the field of recruitment from the cloud wanted to double its turnover in three years. Peterson Company was asked to find out how this revenue duplication could be realized. Our evaluation showed that the company's strategy was not clear enough for the sales team. Through training in the field of strategy the organization became strategically effective, thus the growth ambitions which they have achieved in those three years.


An international upcoming IT organization needed to analyze the effectiveness of the commercial organizations in a number of European countries. Based on the results it hoped to be able to further expand the strength of the organization and to identify bottlenecks and resolve them. Peterson Company was asked how efforts could be optimized and what could be improved fro greater turnover. After the "way of work", goals and deliverables were formulated we started on the project. Within three weeks, more than 40 business professionals tested with both online and "face to face" interviews. The data obtained were processed in a period of one week and two weeks later presented to the board. The recommendations were employed. After implementation of the recommendations the customer could report a few weeks ago that they now had the "best ever" quarters. The outlook for 2014 - 2015 is very good.

Once the problem is identified, the diagnosis is made, the solution has been reached and executed, we do not quit. We monitor whether your goal is reached.

— Simon Kaluža, Managing Director at SAP Central & Eastern Europe, Slovenia

"We use the sales assessments and consultancy of Peterson Company in the different companies in which I am involved. This led to much more efficiency in qualification and more effectiveness in coaching sales professionals. A great added value.
Ronald Wissink
Managing Partner at Value Creation and Company.
Venture Capital Investors in Technology companies. 
Peterson Company, highly recommended
Great assessment, great approach and excellent results. Highly recommended!"

Reference Story NetIQ

"Who is NetIQ? NetIQ is a global enterprise software company and the market leader in Identity- and Access Management solutions. NetIQ is one of the three Business Units of The Attachmate Group. 
What was the Assignment? To support NetIQ EMEA leadership in growing their business. To build a high-performance sales force with the right people in the right sales- and sales management seats. To evaluate how much more effective the sales teams could become and what it would take to realize that.
What was the Approach? Peterson Company started by conducting an evaluation of the growth potential of the sales teams to get the answers needed: How much better can the sales teams become? Based on the data and answers acquired,  NetIQ management was better able to confidently make the necessary changes in building winning sales teams. Next step was developing the EMEA Sales Management team to the next level using a unique sales management training approach. Goal was to grow the impact of sales management on the sales teams. Subsequently, Peterson Company assisted in selecting the right sales people to strengthen the sales teams where needed. The on-boarding of these new sales people is being executed using Peterson Companies expertise and best practices. Goal is to ensure the quickest and most effective ramp-up possible, resulting in a successful contribution to the revenue growth of the company.   
What was the Result? NetIQ was able to establish an over performing sales organization and has been meeting and exceeding its growth aspirations. The existing sales people with the largest growth potential were able to show a significant growth in their performance. One became # 1 salesperson of the year in EMEA. All newly hired sales people that were selected using Peterson Companies’ methodology have met and exceeded their targets in their first year, thereby qualifying for the companies’ Overachievers Club. One particular sales person has been awarded Rookie of the Year."

- Tom Musters, VP Sales EMEA, NetIQ - Attachmate Group


Assessment & Follow-Up

Once we have identified the problem, diagnosed, have offered solutions and have implemented the solution, our work does not stop. We offer a guarantee to success. We can do this because we monitor up to three months after sustaining your sales team if everything is still going well. Even when it appears that the problem is not completely resolved, we provide further support for the team.
The steps of our approach: problem definition, diagnosis, solution, implementation and monitoring and follow-up.

— Simon Bouwman, GVB Manager Verkoop, Informatie en Klantenservice

“De GVB heeft de doelstelling de beste klantenservice in vervoersland te bieden. Daarom hebben we onlangs drie verschillende trainingen van Peterson Company gevolgd. Een training voor onze baliemedewerkers, om ze bewuster met klanten te laten omgaan en om ze verkooptechnieken bij te brengen. In de andere training leerden leidinggevenden hun processen beter managen. En de derde training was bedoeld voor de afdeling klantenservice. Deze training had het doel om van de groep een hecht team te maken.”
“Voorafgaand aan een training krijgt iedere deelnemer een persoonlijke intake. Op die manier is iedere training uniek en wordt maatwerk geleverd. Daarnaast zijn de trainingen ook leuk. Je hebt namelijk niet het idee dat je klassikale lessen volgt, maar er is sprake van tweerichtingsverkeer: je doet het met elkaar. Dat werkt erg verfrissend.”
“De trainingen hebben echt resultaat. Een voorbeeld: de leidinggevenden willen nu zelf de functioneringsgesprekken met hun personeel voeren. Voorheen moest ik dat altijd zelf doen. Ze werken nu veel zelfstandiger. En we merken dat de klantenservice steeds meer een hecht team wordt.”